Page 14 - BeachBooklet_2020
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          Our approach to sustainability is governed by our
          Sustainability Policy which outlines our commitment
          to effectively manage our material sustainability
          risks. Other company policies  assist Beach in
          fulfilling its sustainability commitment. Beach’s Board
          provides oversight of the company’s sustainability
          management. The Sustainability Steering Committee
          is a management committee set up to assist in the
          development of Beach’s sustainability strategy, policy
          and practices. The committee membership includes
          representation from all relevant business functions
          and reviews performance against yearly targets set
          in the Sustainability Report. Further information on
          the role of the Sustainability Steering Committee
          and its members is documented in the Sustainability
          Steering Committee Charter. Visit our website to view
          more information on Corporate Governance at Beach
          and Sustainability at Beach.
          We also participate in and track our performance
          against several external benchmarks such as the
          Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), and the CDP
          (formerly, Carbon Disclosure Project), and endeavour
          to improve or maintain ratings provided by other
          independent industry analysts.

          Risk oversight and management

          Risk is inherent in Beach’s business, so effective risk
          management is crucial to the long-term viability
          of the company. The Board and its Risk, Corporate
          Governance and Sustainability Committee provide
          oversight of sustainability risks and proactively
          consider and review risks relating to social, economic
          and environmental issues. Risks to Beach include
          those associated with maintaining a social licence to
          operate, reputation, health, safety, environment and
          economic. Significant risks are continually reviewed
          and updated in the corporate risk register.

          9  Aboriginal Engagement Policy, Health and Safety Policy, Code of Conduct,
           Business Practices and Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Prevention Policy,
           Contracts and Procurement Policy, Environmental Policy, Community and
           Stakeholder Engagement Policy, Diversity and Inclusion Policy, External Com-
           munications Policy, and the Risk Management Policy.

             Beach Energy Sustainability Report l October 2020
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